Company history | cbs Corporate Business Solutions

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  • 25 years of cbs
  • Opening of cbs Freiburg
  • Opening of cbs Austria office in Vienna
  • cbs E-invoice Cloud used to process more than 2,000,000 documents
  • cbs Web relaunch


  • J. Remmert joins the Executive Board
    Lorenz Praefcke becomes CEO of cbs Americas
  • Revenue > € 90 million, employees > 500
  • cbs completes world’s largest SAP S/4HANA transformation project for Viessmann
  • cbs America attains Partner Edge status
  • cbs s.m.a.r.t. Portfolio
  • SAP & cbs: Selective Data Transition to S/4HANA
  • Launch of ET Software License Program
  • Salesforce connection available as a product / cbsCX ISV Package


  • Relocation to new headquarters in Bahnstadt Heidelberg. Opening of cbs Rhein-Main.
  • First SAP Community Conference cbs ONE.CON. The event is held at the Print Media Academy Heidelberg
  • Opening of US outposts in Denver & Detroit
  • Foundation of cbs CX – Salesforce consulting


  • Launch of cbs MDV Master Data Validation
  • Oliver Dorsner & Markus Geib join the cbs Executive Board
  • Revenue exceeds € 80 million and employees surpass the 300 mark. Record revenue growth
  • Internationalization:
    Foundation of cbs Americas (HQ: Philadelphia)
    Opening of Technology Center in Malaysia (KL)
    Establishment of the Digital Solution Center in Barcelona
  • Opening of cbs Bautzen
  • World’s first standard software for SAP S/4HANA Transformation
    Enterprise Transformation 4.0 with comprehensive solution cbs ET for SAP S/4HANA®


  • cbs adds Salesforce to its consulting portfolio
    SMA SmartFuture – global SAP CRM is replaced by Salesforce
  • Revenue exceeds € 50 million.
  • Me-We employer branding campaign
  • Groundbreaking ceremony for Heidelberg headquarters
  • Foundation of the HANA & UX business unit


  • 20 years of cbs – the company celebrates its anniversary with 200 employees on Majorca.
  • Official launch of the E-invoice world cloud (at the time still NFe-as-a-service or Latam Cloud)
    Development of SAP-based cloud solutions (cbs E-Invoice World Cloud, cbs GTS Cloud)
  • Launch cbs S/4HANA Transition Program
  • First big US project – ONE Finance
  • SAP certified Provider of Application Management Services
  • Participation in initiative SAP Platform Development Accelerator for SAP HANA Cloud Platform with the cbs E/A Enterprise Analyzer


  • Stefan Risse joins the cbs Executive Board
  • cbs employee numbers surpass 200 for the first time.
  • cbs becomes a member of the International Association for SAP Partners e.V. (IA4SP)
  • Market launch of SAP S/4HANA: cbs as a pioneer in conception, test, and customer projects
  • Acquisition of leogistics GmbH
    The Hamburg-based SAP partner and specialist in logistics and supply chain management (SCM) further expands cbs’ SAP solution offering.


  • Foundation of cbs Singapore
  • Official market launch of ET for S/4HANA
  • Launch of the GTS Academy
  • cbs welcomed into SAP Validated Expertise program for Landscape Transformation
  • cbs uses SAP in a cloud environment for the first time
  • Participation in SAPPHIRE USA with partner Abeam Consulting


  • cbs Enterprise Transformer – launch at the annual DSAG conference 2012
  • M-cbs extended with Enterprise Transformations
  • Opening of cbs Stuttgart.
  • Establishment of the GTS business unit


  • Revenue exceeds € 20 million.
  • SAP Rapid Deployment Solutions (RDS)
  • cbs establishes the SLT (System Landscape Transformation) business unit.


  • Rainer Wittwen joins the Executive Board at cbs.
  • First international BI project
  • Launch of the cbs PI adapter for AS2 and EDIFACT under Open Source license (OPI2) on Sourceforge
  • World first go-live of SAP GTS 8.0: global export compliance platform as standardized corporate solution


  • Holger Scheel joins the Executive Board
  • Central integration platform: Successful rollout of SAP NetWeaver PI for a global energy and petroleum company
  • Support is added to the cbs portfolio as a permanent consulting service
  • Establishment of international partner management


  • Branch office opened in Hamburg
  • Foundation of cbs Switzerland
  • cbs4DI Excellence solutions: SAP Best Practice for the manufacturing industry
  • First major complete GTS project in the Netherlands.
  • This customer project is used as the technical basis for the subsequently launched cbs E-Invoice World Cloud


  • cbs becomes SAP Special Expertise Partner for SAP GTS, Manufacturing & High Tech, SAP NetWeaver PI, PLM, SCE
  • cbs awarded contract for global rollout program (new global process template, international rollout) at a market-leading industrial company


  • 100 employees.
  • The product DMF (Data Migration Framework) and SHC (Standardization, Harmonization, Consolidation) tool is published
  • cbs provides SAP user companies with a proprietary EDI solution based on the SAP NetWeaver exchange infrastructure.
  • M-cbs template published for template rollouts


  • Merger with Materna GmbH.
    As an internationally positioned management consultancy, cbs now also represents the consulting and SAP expertise of the Materna group.
  • Opening of the Dortmund branch office, under the management of Stefan Risse
  • Relocation to new offices in Heidelberg. The company now operates two data centers.
  • cbs celebrates its 10-year anniversary with all employees on Majorca.
  • SAP Special Expertise Partnership SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure


  • cbs Fit for Future event on SAP NetWeaver
  • cbs becomes a member of DSAG e.V. (the German-speaking SAP User Group)


  • Development of the M-cbs project methodology
  • Complete implementation of the SAP Business Suite (all components) for a major Mexican oil company in cooperation with SAP


  • Revenue exceeds € 10 million for the first time.
  • Establishment of the Basis business unit.
  • First customer event: cbs Fit for Future


  • Workforce grows to 50 employees over two locations
  • Portfolio expansion and establishment of the business units BI, CRM, SCM, and BIT
  • ERP template development for major pharmaceutical company’s European rollout. APAC and Americas follow in the subsequent years. The system becomes the industry standard.


  • R/2-R/3 migration, development of an integrated process architecture for 5 business areas and companies of the world’s biggest automotive supplier.


  • Holger Scheel becomes Head of Corporate Sales & Marketing and develops the cbs logo that is still used today.
  • cbs welcomes graduates onto its first trainee program. Many of these graduates are now in top management positions at cbs.
  • The biggest R2-R3 migration in the mechanical engineering industry!


  • Training adopted as a key pillar of cbs. First ever cbs Consultants’ Day with 18 consultants
  • cbs enters a team of employees into the Heidelberg marathon for the first time
  • Development and implementation of a global, distributed R/3 system architecture. To facilitate this, cbs sets up a global architecture team for corporate customers.


  • microsap is rebranded cbs Corporate Business Solutions.
  • The name Corporate Business Solutions reflects the cbs’ unique and continued focus on enterprise-wide business solutions
  • The new logo represents the five phases of M-cbs project methodology; a methodology that remains central to all cbs projects today.
  • Launch of the first cbs website.
  • Revenue exceeds € 1 million for the first time.
  • Establishment of the SAP Basis business unit.
  • First SLT projects in the form of R/2-R/3 migrations


  • First move to Heidelberg offices (Tullastrasse). Branch office opened in Munich.


  • In 1995, former SAP consultants, Harald Sulovsky and Tarek Kramer, establish the company microSAP as an independent SAP corporate consultancy for international industrial companies.
  • First office in Rauenberg.
  • The company’s focus is global digital business process solutions and complete SAP R/3 implementations
  • First global ONE system/ONE client solution in manufacturing industry with rollout to 24 countries