SAP RISE and the Future of Cloud Computing: Trends and Predictions

18. August 2023

RISE with SAP, or SAP RISE, is all about transitioning your business in the smartest manner possible. An intelligent usage of cloud computing can make it easier for you to go through this entire move much more efficiently. 

But, what does the future hold for both of these technologies? How much do we know about the predictions and trends that are surrounding these subjects? 

Let’s keep reading to find out more about it.

What is SAP RISE?

First things first, let’s talk about SAP RISE. 

You might be wondering, “What’s that all about?” Well, SAP RISE is an innovative offering from SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) that aims to simplify the journey of businesses towards the cloud. It’s a comprehensive package that combines various services and tools to help organizations accelerate their digital transformation.

How does it benefit you, though?

  • To begin with, it proffers a unified approach to digital transformation for a business. It, in turn, can help them get various SAP tools, solutions, and services into one package. This tends to streamline the entire implementation process and reduces the complexity associated with adopting new technologies
  • The pre-configured solutions and standardized methodologies of SAP RISE help you or an organization to deploy SAP systems more quickly. Thus, you can begin working with the technology almost instantly, without making any mistakes at all. 
  • SAP RISE has also been designed to accommodate the changing requirements and the growth of a business. So, with it, you can scale your business’s IT infrastructure whilst ensuring the implementation of new tools and features accordingly.

Embracing the Cloud – Why is it crucial?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of SAP RISE, let’s discuss why cloud computing is so crucial for businesses. And, trust us – there are quite a few reasons behind that. 

To begin with, the conventional on-premises approach to IT infrastructure is becoming outdated quite rapidly. Therefore, with the ever-increasing volumes of data and information, the need for scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency is pushing people to adopt cloud-based solutions.

In addition, cloud computing can also provide businesses with the required agility to respond quickly to market demands and optimize their operations. 

It also eliminates the burden of maintaining physical servers, reduces IT costs, and allows for seamless collaboration across geographically dispersed teams.

The game changer: SAP RISE

Now, let’s get back to SAP RISE! 

This offering brings together everything you need to transform your business in the cloud. It combines the power of SAP S/4HANA (SAP’s next-generation ERP system) with other intelligent technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), analytics, and more. The idea is to offer businesses an all-in-one solution that takes care of their entire cloud journey. And SAP RISE does it quite effectively, no matter how you look at it. 

Predictions for the Future of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been a massive success in the business industry since the beginning. If it keeps improving like this, the technology is bound to get more involved into an organization’s regular operations more exclusively. 

And, as per our research, the trends regarding cloud computing suggest the same as well…

1: Hybrid cloud becomes the norm

While cloud adoption is increasing, not all companies are ready to go all-in on public cloud solutions. Hybrid cloud, because of being a mix of public and private cloud ecosystems, will become the go-to choice for many organizations. 

After all, it serves the best of both worlds – enabling your organization to store sensitive data on-premises while leveraging the scalability and flexibility of the public cloud.

2: Edge Computing Takes Center Stage

With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the need for real-time data processing, edge computing will gain momentum. 


To begin with, edge computing enables data processing closer to the source. It, sequentially, can reduce latency to some extent. Also, the agility and decision-making capability of you or any other member of the organization will improve massively. 

However, you might have to ensure that the data you’re getting is accurate and to the point. In addition to that, it will be important to save yourself from security issues too. 

3: Security takes priority

As cloud adoption increases, so does the focus on cloud security. After all, cloud computing is not really something that offers an eminent focus on security. 

Therefore, it’s quite natural for businesses to invest prominently in securing their cloud infrastructure and data from cyber threats. 

Besides, you should also expect advancements in encryption, multi-factor authentication, and other security measures.

4: AI and ML Driving Insights

The integration of AI and ML into cloud services will lead to more intelligent and data-driven decision-making. Moreover, businesses will harness the power of AI-powered analytics to get valuable insights from their data and drive innovation.

In addition to these, the culture of automating almost everything will also become much more prominent in the near future. And, needless to say – it will be driven by ML and AI. 

5: Serverless Computing Gains Traction

Serverless computing, where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically scales resources, will become more popular. This will lead to increased efficiency and reduced operational overhead for businesses.

Going serverless can also be quite helpful when it comes to remote working. However, it may also require some sort of bolstered security so that no one can hack into your infrastructure. 


As SAP RISE paves the way for businesses to embrace cloud computing seamlessly, we can expect exciting trends and innovations to shape the future of this space. Hybrid cloud, edge computing, heightened security, AI-driven insights, and serverless computing are just some of the key areas that will continue to evolve.

So, whether you’re an established enterprise or a budding startup, the cloud offers a realm of possibilities. Embrace the change, ride the wave of innovation, and get ready for a future where the sky’s the limit – quite literally, in the cloud computing world!