Migration Strategies to SAP S/4HANA: Best Practices and Considerations

18. August 2023

Migrating your legacy data to a SAP S/4HANA-based system is almost like writing an epic. It is time-consuming, difficult, and can get messed up if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

So in this article, we’ve talked about some of the most prominent migration strategies that you can use to do such a large-scale task. Let’s get started, then. 

I. Understanding the Migration Options

Before we begin handling the question “how can I migrate to SAP S/4HANA,” we’ve decided to introduce you to the methods you’ll be using. 

Let’s begin, then.

1: Greenfield Implementation

A greenfield implementation involves starting with a new SAP S/4HANA system from scratch without bringing any data or configurations from the legacy system. 

While this approach offers a clean slate and an opportunity to optimize business processes, it requires significant effort and resources. 

Organizations need to reimplement customizations, reconfigure settings, and migrate data, which can lead to longer project timelines and higher costs.

The greenfield approach is well-suited for companies looking to eliminate technical debt, remove outdated customizations, and adopt standard SAP S/4HANA best practices. 

However, it requires thorough planning, business process analysis, and change management to ensure a successful transition.

2: Brownfield Conversion

A brownfield conversion, also known as a system conversion, involves upgrading an existing SAP ERP system to SAP S/4HANA. 

In this approach, data, configurations, and customizations from the legacy system are migrated to the new platform. 

Brownfield conversions are generally faster and less resource-intensive than greenfield implementations since the existing system’s structure and data are reused.

This strategy is suitable for organizations seeking a faster migration with minimal business disruption. It allows companies to retain their historical data, custom configurations, and user-specific settings. 

However, there may be a carryover of inefficiencies and outdated customizations, which might limit the full potential of SAP S/4HANA’s capabilities.

3: Hybrid Approach

The hybrid approach combines elements of both greenfield and brownfield strategies, offering a balanced migration plan. 

In this approach, organizations can opt for a phased implementation, where certain modules or business units are migrated using greenfield, while others are converted through a brownfield approach. This strategy provides flexibility, allowing companies to prioritize critical areas for immediate migration and address specific pain points.

The hybrid approach enables a step-by-step transition, reducing the overall impact on the organization. It also allows companies to take advantage of SAP S/4HANA’s new features while maintaining critical legacy processes until they are fully optimized for the new system.

II. Conducting a Comprehensive Impact Analysis

So, at this point, you probably already have an idea about the methods that are used to migrate your legacy data to S/4HANA. Now, we’ll talk about the effect of this ‘migration’ procedure, and how the basic preparation stage works. This step usually begins with – 

1: Evaluating Custom Code

Before initiating the migration, it is crucial to assess the existing custom code used in the SAP ERP system. Not all customizations may be compatible with SAP S/4HANA, as the underlying database and data models have significantly changed. 

Custom code adjustments are necessary to ensure smooth functionality and avoid issues during and after the migration.

Conduct a thorough code analysis to identify which customizations need to be redeveloped, replaced, or retired. Collaborate with developers and business users to understand the criticality of each customization and prioritize efforts accordingly.

2: Data Cleansing and Archiving

Data plays a vital role in any ERP system, and SAP S/4HANA is no exception. 

Migrating unnecessary or outdated data can lead to increased storage costs and impact system performance. Before migration, perform a comprehensive data cleansing process to identify and eliminate redundant, obsolete, or trivial data.

Data archiving is another essential aspect of the migration process. Archiving infrequently accessed data helps reduce the data footprint, improves system performance, and simplifies the migration.

3: Assessing Hardware and Infrastructure Requirements

SAP S/4HANA runs on an in-memory database that requires robust hardware infrastructure to deliver optimal performance. Evaluate your current hardware capabilities and infrastructure to determine if an upgrade is necessary. 

SAP provides sizing guidelines and tools to assist in determining the hardware requirements based on the organization’s specific needs.

It’s crucial to collaborate with IT infrastructure experts and SAP consultants to ensure that the hardware and infrastructure are appropriately scaled to support the new system effectively.

III. Engaging Key Stakeholders and End Users

Once you’ve curated a plan and checked the quality of your data, you’ll have to communicate with your team about the project. Here’s what’s included in this step altogether.

1: Business Process Analysis and Redesign

SAP S/4HANA offers advanced functionalities and redesigned business processes compared to previous SAP ERP versions. Engage key stakeholders and business process owners to analyze existing processes and identify opportunities for optimization and improvement.

Conduct workshops and process walkthroughs to understand pain points and define the desired future state. Implementing best practices in alignment with SAP S/4HANA’s capabilities can help streamline operations and increase efficiency.

2: End-User Training and Change Management

A successful migration to SAP S/4HANA heavily relies on effective change management and comprehensive end-user training. The new system’s user interface, features, and processes may be different from the legacy ERP, which could create resistance among end users.

Develop a well-structured training program to familiarize end users with SAP S/4HANA’s functionalities. Include hands-on exercises, simulations, and real-life scenarios to ensure that users are comfortable with the new system. Additionally, involve change champions and create a support network to address user concerns and provide assistance during the transition.

3: Testing and Validation

Thorough testing and validation are critical to ensure a smooth migration process. Create a robust test plan that covers various scenarios and business processes. Involve end users in the testing process to identify potential issues and gather feedback on system performance.

Conduct unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT) to validate that the migrated system meets business requirements and functions as expected. Address any identified issues promptly to avoid post-migration disruptions.

IV. Data Migration and Integration

Now, we will learn about how the process of data migration and integration works. It will be a bit technical, so if you feel confused – let us know about it through the comment section.

1: Data Migration Tools and Techniques

Data migration is a complex and high-stakes task in any ERP migration project. Select appropriate data migration tools and techniques that align with your organization’s data volume, complexity, and data quality requirements.

Ensure data integrity and consistency during the migration process. Perform test migrations in non-production environments to validate data accuracy and identify any potential data mapping issues.

2: Integrating Third-Party Applications

Many organizations have third-party applications integrated with their existing ERP system. Evaluate the compatibility of these applications with SAP S/4HANA and plan for any necessary modifications or replacements.

Collaborate with third-party vendors to ensure that the integrations are updated to work seamlessly with SAP S/4HANA. Test all integrations thoroughly during the migration process to avoid disruptions in critical business functions.

3: Master Data Management

Accurate and consistent master data is essential for efficient business operations. Before migration, perform a thorough review and cleanup of master data to ensure its quality and completeness.

Establish data governance practices and assign data ownership responsibilities to maintain data integrity post-migration. Implement master data validation rules and controls to prevent data inconsistencies and errors.

V. Establishing Post-Migration Support and Monitoring

This stage usually occurs once you’re done with migrating. Nonetheless, we’d still ask you to proceed with caution.

1: Post-Migration Support Team

After the migration, establish a dedicated support team to handle any issues that may arise in the early stages of system adoption. Promptly address user-reported problems, system glitches, and performance issues.

The support team should collaborate closely with key business stakeholders and IT support staff to address concerns and provide timely resolutions.

2: Performance Monitoring and Optimization

Continuous monitoring of the SAP S/4HANA system’s performance is vital to identify and address performance bottlenecks. Implement monitoring tools and establish performance benchmarks to measure system efficiency.

Work with technical experts to optimize system performance, including database tuning, application optimization, and memory management. Regularly review system performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal operations.

3: Regular Updates and Upgrades

SAP regularly releases updates, patches, and upgrades to enhance system functionalities, address security vulnerabilities, and fix bugs. 

Stay informed about these updates and incorporate them into your system regularly.

Regularly applying updates and upgrades ensures that your SAP S/4HANA system remains secure, compliant, and up-to-date with the latest enhancements.

The Final Say

In conclusion, migrating to SAP S/4HANA is a significant undertaking that requires thorough planning, collaboration, and meticulous execution. 

Understanding the available migration options, conducting a comprehensive impact analysis, involving key stakeholders, and ensuring data integrity are essential steps for a successful migration. 

By following best practices and considerations, companies can maximize the benefits of SAP S/4HANA and position themselves for future growth and innovation.