Summer Summit 2023 | cbs Corporate Business Solutions

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International know-how exchange and open-air party 2023

The annual meeting with employees from 22 branches worldwide

Once a year, the entire cbs community comes together for two days of training, further education and a joint party. In addition to cbs, the subsidiaries Trebing + Himstedt, leogistics and, for the first time this year, projekt0708 were also represented in large numbers. Colleagues from all over the world met, including Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, the USA, Singapore and Malaysia. The Summer Summit consists of the Competence Day, a day all about further education with all Business Units and Competence Centres, the Summer Party and the Corporate Summit, where news about the cbs group of companies is discussed. This time there was an entertaining review of the numerous go-lives of the last few months, lighthouse projects and highlights of the last year, reports from various cbs business units and national companies, exciting discussions on stage and a lot of personal exchange in a relaxed atmosphere. This time, the large Corporate Summit 2023 took place in the Mannheim Manufaktur at Bonadieshafen with around 700 participants and was once again a special highlight of the year.

The Power of Orange is everywhere

“The demand for innovation projects and complex business transformations is high, despite the tense economic situation worldwide. We continue to grow strongly and sustainably and are particularly pleased to welcome our new colleagues from projekt0708 to the Summer Summit for the first time. We don’t want to miss taking time for each other, getting to know new colleagues and also exchanging ideas on a private level. That was and is very important to us. And in this sense, the Summer Summit was great fun again – it was a mega event for all of us,” explains CEO Rainer Wittwen.

“We cultivate a special corporate culture – that was clearly seen again. We are human, we are personal, we meet at eye level. That makes us strong. This Power of Orange could be felt everywhere again. And this spirit is also a central factor for intact customer relationships and countless project successes,” adds Henning Krug, Member of the Executive Board and responsible for the Competence Day. The Power of Orange – that was the motto of the open-air party and it is also the employer brand of cbs. The lettering also adorns the coveted cbs hoodies and T-shirts, with which the employees can often be seen.

“We cultivate a special corporate culture – this Power of Orange could be felt everywhere again.”

cbs Managing Director Holger Scheel recognises Innovation Award winners

This year’s Innovation Award once again highlighted cbs’ exceptional innovative strength. The award is given to projects that have generated particularly great added value for customers through innovation. Managing Director Holger Scheel personally acknowledged the outstanding achievements of the seven prize winners and presented the awards to the proud winners. In addition, an audience award was chosen from among the seven winners for the first time. For this, selected team members pitched their contributions within 2 minutes to those present, who were then allowed to vote live. The winner: TrackCat – Cross System Order Management, excellently presented by Solution Architect Jakob Ruf.

The video of the event

In 2023, the cbs Corporate Summit was bigger than ever – and the atmosphere couldn’t have been better. Here are the highlights of this mega-event: