Sustainable Supply Chain & Manufacturing | cbs Corporate Business Solutions

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Sustainable Supply Chain & Manufacturing

Intelligent value chains for agile and resilient industrial companies

An end-2-end process deserves an end-2-end solution

The value chain is the backbone of every industrial company. This is where the difference is made: from the relationship with suppliers, through logistics and the manufacture of the actual product, to the sustainable customer relationship. Our customers have refined and optimised this end-2-end process over decades. We help them make this process end-to-end, resilient and innovative, even in a future-proof digital infrastructure.

The Power of Three

The challenges are as complex as a globally operating manufacturing company. Together with cbs and its subsidiaries leogistics and Trebing + Himstedt, we combine the necessary competence and capacity to master them.

Next generation holistic business solutions in a hybrid architecture with the right combination of processes and technology.

Optimal supply chain planning with transport, warehouse and yard management thanks to state-of-the-art integrated solutions for global market leaders.

Digital transformation to smart factories and digital services. From digital strategy to manufacturing execution solutions in the cloud from a single source.

Integrated Business Planning in 6 Months

Recent years have shown that supply chain planning is at the core of a resilient and successful business. In just 6 months, we realise the first IBP scenarios with our clients, building the foundation for agile, resilient and sustainable supply chains that not only minimise risk but also increase your competitive advantage.


Future-proof warehouse management

The SAP Extended Warehouse Management System (SAP EWM) is the most powerful form of SAP-based control of automated and manual warehouse processes. leogistics stands for efficiency, stability and flexibility in your SAP EWM system. As specialists in the field of automation and connection of hardware and IoT, we integrate these seamlessly for your efficient, SAP-based warehouse processing.

Zukunftssichere Lagerverwaltung

Das SAP Extended Warehouse Management System (SAP EWM) ist die leistungsfähigste Form der Steuerung von automatischen und manuellen Lagerprozessen auf SAP-Basis. leogistics steht für Effizienz, Stabilität und Flexibilität in Ihrem SAP EWM-System. Als Spezialisten im Bereich Automatisierung und Anbindung von Hardware und IoT integrieren wir diese nahtlos für Ihre effiziente, SAP-basierte Lagerabwicklung.

NEXT Generation Warehouse Management

NEXT Generation Warehouse Management

NEXT Generation Warehouse Management


With the switch from WM to a decentralised EWM, Grünenthal achieves a new dimension of automation and direct integration of material flows and production.

Intelligent production and manufacturing

Today, companies have to be faster than the competition and even faster than their customers: product life cycles are getting shorter and shorter, competitors are bringing innovations to the market and customers are demanding ever faster innovation cycles.

How can this be countered? With a future-proof production that can do both: Efficient and flexible production at the same time. Efficient to save costs and flexible to meet changing market requirements.


Read our article on
Sustainable Supply Chain & Manufacturing

New production templates, international rollouts and real-time integration

New production templates, international rollouts and real-time integration

New production templates, international rollouts and real-time integration

Vertical Integration with SAP MII

Innovative production UI with individual guidance for high efficiency

Innovative production UI with individual guidance for high efficiency

Innovative production UI with individual guidance for high efficiency

SAP Manufacturing Execution (ME)

Process modelling & automation with hybrid integration

Process modelling & automation with hybrid integration

Process modelling & automation
with hybrid integration

SAP Manufacturing Execution (ME)

Your contact

Michael Hertel

Member of the Executive Board

Phone: +49 6221 3304-0
