SAP Authorizations | cbs Corporate Business Solutions

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SAP Authorizations and Access Control

Excellence in Authorization Concepts and User Administration

The professional administration of access permissions and authorizations is a very important component of the overall security of an SAP system. Our specialists take care of all aspects related to systems access in customer landscapes – whether ECC, S/4, BW, GTS, or other SAP technologies.

Optimizing the security of your landscape does not necessarily mean investing in additional tools or “practical” Excel import functions: We help administrators (in-house & project team) to make the most of the available standard tools.

The focus of our work is on simplicity of maintenance and sustainability: authorization concepts should remain flexible for changes in everyday life, avoiding that every adjustment is immediately associated with a lot of effort. At the same time, they should enable smooth use for many years, preferably without “role overgrowth”.

Our specialized administrators assist clients with the maintenance, repair and update of their concepts during all phases of the life cycle.

Franziska Schlauch

Principal Consultant

Create Transparency, Prepare for the Future

Even if your system landscape blew up over the years and there is a lack of transparency in the existing configuration, our experts are able to review the technical situation in detail and develop appropriate proposals for optimization.

We offer a variety of options to gain transparency about the precise situation of your landscape in terms of authorization configuration: From authorization health checks and coaching for administrators, to courses for getting started with public cloud authorization management just to name a few. We offer our customers the appropriate solution for their specific needs in the current project or maintenance phase of a particular landscape.

There is no successful S/4HANA implementation without a reliable state-of-the-art authorization concept! This is why market leaders invest in application security to safeguard their biggest IT project of the decade.

Olalla Fernández Barrio

Senior Manager Authorizations

Our Experts

It is not the individual expert, but the mix of different specialties, talents, skills and (project) experience that makes the decisive difference for delivering cbs quality consulting services.

Experts in our team bring years of experience in a wide variety of SAP authorization projects on an international level and have mastered the technical aspects of the tools required for this. More importantly, their interpersonal and communication skills are also constantly being developed to promote collaboration; whether within a project team, as part of the maintenance team of an existing customer, or on a coaching assignment.

A sustainable and trusting cooperation with our customers and employees is essential for us: We value the right work-life balance, since if both are in harmony, we enjoy project results of the best quality as well as satisfied team members who remain part of our expert group in the long run.

Contact Person

For a detailed consultation we are of course also happy to assist you personally. Just contact us directly:

Olalla Fernández Barrio

Senior Manager Authorizations

Phone: +49 6221 3304 0
